• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 24 APR 14
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    Hand Mudra for Allergies

    Allergies are usually defined as the body's immune system reacting to something in its immediate environment.  A healthy immune system will defend itself against any potentially dangerous substance.  An allergy sufferer will react more strongly than usual to these substances, and symptoms, such as respiratory problems and skin complaints will occur. On a psychological level…

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    • 13 APR 14
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    Mudra for headaches

    According to TCM, headaches can have different causes: changes in weather (wind/cold, wind/heat, wind/dampness), liver or kidney imbalance, energy/blood deficiency, sinus or digestive problems. In general however, the end result of any syndrome is an accumulation of too much qi in the head, which gives rise to tension and pain in that area. The following…

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    • 31 JUL 13
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    Apan Vayu Mudra – first aid for heart attacks?

    Hand mudras* are easy to do lying down, sitting, standing or walking, and can be very effective. Here is one that is also known as The Lifesaver because of its ability to ward off a heart attack, according to the Indian mudra researcher Keshav Dev. It is also useful for general healing and strengthening of…

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    • 13 JUN 12
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    Ganesha mudra for the heart

    In Traditional Chinese Medicine the heart is said to be the seat of the mind and controls not only blood circulation but also consciousness and spirit. The mind and emotions influence the rhythm of the heart. When we are angry, our pulse quickens, when we are scared we can hear our heart pounding in our…

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