• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 29 AUG 12
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    The rising of the sun

    Although taijiquan can be complicated to learn and requires patience, discipline and time, benefits can be gained by practicing individual movements on their own. Here is the beginning movement, which represents the rising of the sun. It is a good way of coming back to center at this time of year. As you practice, visualize…

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    • 05 APR 12
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    Hugging a tree

    From ancient times trees have been seen as symbols of spiritual growth. Their deep roots reach into the earth and their branches reach up to the sky, connecting the physical with the spiritual. In Qigong trees are seen as guardians of the earth, filtering toxins from the environment and its living creatures. Standing like a…

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    • 04 NOV 11
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    Shooting the bow and arrow

    This exercise is one of the qigong series of Eight Brocades. It is especially useful in the Fall for strengthening and stimulating the lungs.Do all movements fluidly, but not brusquely. Repeat nine times. Not too fast, not too slow. Breathe in and out through the nose only.  Stand in a horse riding stance, with legs…

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    • 23 APR 11
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    Nose or Mouth breathing?

    This is a question that you may have asked yourself on numerous occasions when you have been planning on doing any kind of breathing exercise, such as yoga, qigong, meditation, or even a workout at the gym. So here is my answer from a qigong perspective. In Oriental medicine the nose is regarded as the…

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    • 15 APR 11
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    A Note about Breathing

    Have you ever asked yourself or wondered if you are breathing correctly? The chances are you aren't. Stress, mental worries, physical tensions, weight issues, acute or chronic health concerns, pollution in the immediate environment, viruses, bacteria...........numerous factors affect us every day, and your normal breathing may not be the truly natural way to breathe. So…

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    • 11 FEB 11
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    Alternate Nostril Breathing

    In the season of colds and flu we can always benefit from as many preventative measures as we can find. Here is a simple yoga breathing technique which is also used in Qigong.Sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor. Take a few normal breaths to relax before beginning the exercise. Place the tongue…

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    • 12 JAN 11
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    Looking for a different exercise? Try Qigong

    This is the time of year when we want to throw out the old and try something new; new food, new hobbies, new routines, new exercises. So why not try Qigong. Although Qigong has been around in Asia for thousands of years, dating back to China in 2356 BC, it has still to gain popularity…

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