• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
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    • 22 OCT 11
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    What is a Mudra?

    By FlckrLickr
    According to Wikipedia a Mudra is a ”symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism. While some mudras involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers”. In India mudras are an accepted and well established part of all religious activities. Paintings and statues of Hindu gods are typically shown with hands and arms gesturing with specific mudras. In Indian dance eyes, body movements, hands and fingers portray the meaning of the dance without any spoken word. But not only are feelings and emotions expressed by the gestures, the mudras themselves connect fields of energy to influence the body and mind on a spiritual and physical level.
    Probably the best known hand mudra is that which is typically used in meditation or when chanting Om.* Gently pressing together thumb and index finger symbolically leads to the union of cosmic (thumb) and human (index finger) consciousness. It promotes calmness and peace. In the Five Element theory of TCM both these fingers belong to the metal element, a powerful conductor of energy. Metal represents communication, cleanliness and clarity.The lung meridian ends at the thumb and the large intestine meridian begins at the index finger. Practicing a mudra can help stimulate qi flow through the organs in a similar way as acupressure, and can also aid in getting rid of negative emotions.

    Hand mudras can be done seated, lying down, even in a standing posture or while walking. When used to heal a chronic complaint they are repeated several times a day over a period of weeks or months. Some mudras may be helpful for acute conditions or used in an emergency (eg nausea or dizziness, sudden back pains) and are practiced only until the desired effect has been reached. Using visualizations and positive affirmations along with breathing techniques while practicing mudras can enhance and intensify their ability to heal.

    *See post on Jnana and Chin Mudra

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