• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
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    Spring Detox

    It is a good idea to detoxify the body after a period of heavy eating, such as a festive occasion, or during a transition period between seasons. Fasting is one way to do it and spring is an ideal time with its abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables to consume at the end of the fast. But there are other ways than fasting to detoxify and bring back balance to the body, and some of these ways are listed below.

    Chinese detox tea

    There are several Chinese herbs, such as honeysuckle, red clover, dandelion and ginger root, that will cleanse the liver, kidneys, lungs and blood. Combine them or use individually. Make your own or buy a detox tea from your grocery store or local health food store. Drink one to three cups of detox tea daily for 30 days to flush away toxins absorbed into the body from the environment, alcohol, cigarettes, fats and caffeine. Note: Make sure the tea is caffeine free and do not drink detox tea if you are pregnant or a nursing mother. As with any medicine, discontinue use if side effects occur.


    The Cupping technique which is sometimes combined with an acupuncture treatment is a great method of detoxification. Glass cups are placed on the skin and create a suction. This suction and pressure encourages qi flow, removes blockages and toxins and stimulates blood circulation.

    Gua Sha

    This Chinese technique involves scraping the surface of the skin on parts of the body that need stimulation, such as the back, arms, legs, chest and shoulders. Tiny red and purple dots will appear on the scraped areas indicating stagnated blood filled with toxins. After treatment blood circulation is improved and energy increased.

    Meridian tapping

    Using a special tool to tap the meridians will help encourage qi flow and remove toxins. Try this yourself with a bamboo brush . Gently tap the whole body working in the direction of the meridians.

    Chinese detox foot pads

    Our body has over 300 acupuncture points and many of these are found in the soles of the feet. Detoxifying foot strips are designed to draw toxins and harmful minerals out of your body. Apply one patch on each foot before bedtime. When you take it off in the morning, it will be brown or black in color from the toxin removal process. With increased use, the pads should show progressively lighter staining.

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