• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 31 MAY 14
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    Small Intestine Meridian Massage

    Summer is the season of the Fire element in TCM. It is a time when mental and emotional stress, as well as physical stress, may cause more harm to our heart and its mate, the small intestine than at other times of the year. In TCM the small intestine is responsible for taking care of our nutritional needs and separating valuable nutrients from waste. It does the same thing for us mentally by separating out our positive actions and interactions with others from the negative feelings we may have. Massaging the small intestine meridian will help with issues of self-acceptance, honesty and emotional sadness. This massage is beneficial in the treatment of some forms of anemia, poor circulation in hands and feet, a stiff neck, and nutrient absorption. It will help release tension caused by working too hard.
    Start at SI 1 (shao ze) and move in one direction to the end. Use your fingers, thumb or palm to apply gentle pressure along the entire meridian. Remember to massage meridians on both sides of the body. When you reach the end, return to SI 3 (hou xi) masssaging and circling 36 times with thumb and finger. Use this point for treating a stiff neck, redness of the eyes, earache, tinnitus, a sore throat, inflammation and night sweats.
    Small Intestine Meridian Massage
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