• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 25 JUN 11
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    Red Foods

    photo by Chirak

    In the Five Element Theory each element has a color associated with it. Red is the color for fire, the season of summer, the heart organ network. Red foods are said to stimulate the appetite and provide energy and vitality. So let’s take a look at some of the more common ones available at this time of year and how introducing them into our diet can benefit health from a TCM perspective.

    Tomatoes were unheard of in TCM and Ayurveda holistic medicine in ancient times because they were believed to be poisonous. They are members of the nightshade family and can lead to flare ups in arthritis sufferers. They are cooling in nature and sweet and sour in flavor. They build yin fluids and relieve dryness and thirst. Good for blood purifying and detoxifying the body. They become alkaline after digestion which makes them beneficial in acidic conditions, such as gout and rheumatism. Tomatoes relieve liver heat with symptoms of high blood pressure, red eyes and headaches. As they upset calcium metabolism they should only be eaten in small doses.

    Neutral in nature, sweet in flavor. Strengthen the heart, calm the mind, purify the blood and improve circulation. They are beneficial along with carrots to regulate hormones during menopause. Beets benefit the liver and liver related conditions. Good for moistening intestines and preventing constipation. Beet greens should not be eaten in excess as they inhibit calcium metabolism.

    Cooling in nature, sweet and sour in flavor. Allergic reactions to strawberries are more likely to be caused by non vine ripened fruit. Strawberries are good for spring cleansing. Good for arterial repair. Strawberries benefit the spleen and lungs. Useful for sore throats and hoarseness. They relieve urinary difficulties. Cut a strawberry in half and rub on teeth and gums to strengthen them; leave for about 45 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

    Cooling in nature, spicy and sweet in flavor. Good for the lungs and prevention of colds and flu. Beneficial for removing mucus, clearing sinuses and sore throats. Relieve heat conditions and detoxify the body in general. In the West a traditional remedy for gall and kidney stones is to eat a tablespoon of grated radish daily for a few weeks. Radishes are too strong for those of deficient and cold condition.

    Red watermelon
    Cooling nature and sweet flavor. Removes summer heat problems, benefits heart, urinary bladder and stomach. Treats urinary difficulties, thirst, edema and canker sores. Watermelon seeds are good for the kidneys, they may lower high blood pressure and are a remedy for constipation. In China the rind is also used juiced as a drink or dried in tea. Watermelon should always be eaten on its own. It is good for moisturizing the skin. It should not be used by those with weak digestion, anemia or excessive urination. Watermelon is best eaten fresh, cool but not cold. If it is frozen or eaten too cold it can damage the digestive fire of spleen and stomach.

    Neutral in nature, sweet and sour in flavor. Benefit liver and kidneys, detoxify blood and regulate menstrual cycle. Good for anemia and frequent urination. Ripe raspberries are said to improve vision. Raspberry leaf is beneficial for hormone regulation in pregnancy.

    Warming in nature and sweet in flavor. Increase qi and tonify spleen. Well known remedy for gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Beneficial for treating cold conditions. Good for the blood and anemia.

    Cooling in nature and bitter in flavor.  Good for cooling the liver. Laxative and beneficial for detoxifying from too much consumption of meat. Rhubarb root (da huang) is one of the most widely used herbs in TCM.

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