• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
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    Raw Cacao

    cacao beans image by Tamorlan
    There seems to be a lot of hype these days about raw cacao products (beans, nibs and powder) and their health benefits. In its raw unprocessed form cacao is said to possess many valuable nutrients. It is a rich source of antioxidants which promote cardiovascular health and anti-aging. It contains manganese to oxygenate the blood, magnesium for the brain and sulfur for strong nails and hair. Raw cacao stimulates the release of endorphins and raises seratonin levels to make us feel good. But what does Oriental medicine have to say? 

    Cacao is used to make cocoa, chocolate and cocoa butter. It is relatively new to Chinese medicine and is said to be sweet and cooling in properties, but heating in excess. It benefits heart, kidneys and spleen. In Ayurvedic medicine cacao is considered light, acts as a mild laxative and reduces the three doshas in small amounts. In excess, it increases pitta first, then kapha and finally vata. 

    In Oriental medicine moderation is the key to any food. Strictly speaking it is neither good nor bad per se, it is how much is consumed that will determine its effect on the body. Thus, raw cacao may be tonifying to the heart in small doses, but in larger quantities it will cause overheating, dampness and over stimulation of the heart. Whereas a little may circulate qi, warm the body and strengthen the heart, too much will cause congestion and exhaustion. How much is beneficial for each person will depend not only on the constitution of the body but also on its present condition. This can vary according to the surroundings, climate, season of the year, as well as diet and lifestyle at the time. And as each one of us has our own individual and changeable needs, the quantity of cacao we might benefit from will also differ.

    So is raw cacao really healthy for you? Or, more correctly stated, is raw cacao – which not only contains the above mentioned healthy nutrients but also the same chemicals that we find in regular chocolate bars – healthy for you? Caffeine, theobromind and theophylline are just three naturally occurring chemicals in cacao that are also considered to be toxins. All of these chemicals can play havoc on the central nervous system, heart, mind and body if consumed regularly. Taking them in a more natural and potent form, such as raw cacao, increases the likelihood of becoming addicted and therefore overstimulated by them. And there goes our Oriental medicine rule of food as medicine to be used in moderation.

    Finally, if you are a chocolate or cocoa lover, but not an addict, then making the switch to raw cacao products from time to time may be beneficial for you. However, if you are not bothered about eating chocolate, and can take it or leave it – then leave it. There are plenty of other healthy foods available which will cost you less and give you just as many medicinal properties as raw cacao.

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