• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
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    Holistic Therapies/continued

    Homeopaths are holistic practitoners who treat on the principle of ”like with like”. In other words, a substance that causes symptoms when given in large doses, can be given in small, highly diluted, non toxic amounts to treat the same symptoms so that the body will build up its own resistance and heal itself. Homeopathy dates back to Hippocrates and was rediscovered by a German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann about 200 years ago. Homeopathy is now recognized as an alternative medical treatment world wide. Patients are usually those who have chronic, long-term problems which have not responded to conventional medicine. Some of the most common ailments treated by homeopathy are excema, menstrual disorders, chronic fatigue and osteoarthritis. Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, vegetable, mineral, chemical or animal sources and have an excellent safety record. They can be purchased over the counter and can even be used on children.
    Bach Flower Remedies
    rock rose by Anne Burgess

    The British surgeon Dr Edward Bach first introduced the system of 38 Bach’s Flower Remedies in 1932. He believed that physical symptoms of an illness are caused by a negative emotional state, and he separated his remedies into seven emotional groups to cure all disease: Fear, loneliness, uncertainty, despair, over-sensitivity, over-care, and lack of interest in present circumstances. The most widely used of Dr Bach’s flower essences is Rescue Remedy which is taken in stressful situations where we suddenly lose mental/emotional balance, such as when taking an exam, experiencing bad news, etc. All of the remedies are made from spring water infused with wild flowers and plants native to Great Britain. They are usually taken by drop or diluted in water.

    Trigger point therapy
    A trigger point is defined as a spot on the body at which pressure or other stimulus gives rise to specific sensations or symptoms. In particular the point, or knot, lies in a taut band of skeletal muscle. Trigger points were first mapped by Dr Janet G Travell, physician to President Kennedy, who found that many sufferers of myofascial pain had points in predictable locations on their body. Some chiropractic doctors, massage therapists and other practioners use trigger point therapy as part of their treatment for myofascial dysfunction, however its practice has not been widely accepted by the medical community. There is no consistent methodology for the diagnosis of trigger points and there are safety issues concerning their manipulation.
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