• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 26 OCT 11
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    Exploring Holistic Therapies/cont

    Iridology is the scientific practice of studying the iris of the eye to reveal areas of inflammation and toxicity throughout the whole body. It was first established in the nineteenth century by a Hungarian doctor, Dr Ignatz von Peczely. By examining the color and structure of the iris, an iridologist determines areas of imbalance in the body caused by past disorders, and tendencies towards future illnesses and disease before any physical or mental symptoms occur. Although many medical practitioners are skeptical of iridology, it is now available as a holistic treatment worldwide, and modern textbooks on iridology have been translated into several languages, including Chinese.

    Applied Kinesiology
    Applied Kinesiology, (AK), not to be confused with kinesiology the scientific study of body movement, is a form of muscle testing to diagnose structural, mental and chemical imbalances of the body. This system was founded and developed in the 1960s by an American chiropractor, Dr George J Goodheart Jr. He believed that muscles reflect the flow of qi, and that the health of bodily organs and nutritional deficiencies can be determined by measuring muscle resistance. During a typical session the patient remains fully clothed, usually lying on a massage table, while the kinesiologist moves the patient’s arms, legs or head into a specific position and then applies slight pressure to the muscle being tested. Based on biofeedback and information gained from the testing, the practitioner suggests nutritional supplements, relaxation techniques and lifestyle changes for the patient. In general, three to six treatments are recommended followed by routine consultations two to three times a year. Practitioners of AK claim that it is beneficial for many conditions of imbalance, including allergies, food sensitivities, emotional stress, fatigue, learning disabilities and nutritional needs. AK is primarily used by chiropractors but is also used by some naturopaths and other medical doctors. 

    Laughter Yoga
    Laughter Yoga was developed in 1995 in India by Dr. Madan Kataria, also known as the ”guru of giggling”. While studying the health benefits of laughter, Dr Kataria discovered that the body cannot tell the difference between fake laughing and real laughing.  He developed a unique exercise routine that enables an adult to be more like a child and laugh with the body instead of the mind. Laughing out loud is believed to improve circulation, stimulate the immune system, exercise muscles, reduce stress hormones and alleviate depression and anxiety.  In Laughter Yoga group laughter exercises are combined with simple stretches and yoga breathing, allowing anyone to laugh without using humor or comedy. Dr Kataria’s system has become so popular that Laughter Yoga has become a worldwide movement with over 6000 clubs in more than 60 countries.

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