• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 16 DEC 10
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    Christmas: A Season of Joy or Fear?

    Christmas is a joyous time. It is a season of giving, sharing and bonding with loved ones. But it can also be a major time of stress. Even though we know that Christmas falls on the same day every single year, we still find ourselves rushing around at the last minute, buying gifts for people we forgot to put on the list, preparing foods for yet another unexpected guest!

    More and more in Western medicine today there is evidence that a strong connection exists between the body and mind. Stress is now considered to be a contributor to hu
    man disease. Countless books on how to relieve stress can be found in any bookstore. Research in psychoneuroimmunology shows that state of mind and state of health go hand in hand and that mind and body influence each other. Neuropeptides bring information to and from the brain, nervous system and other parts of the body. They flow like Qi to influence how the body works. Neuropeptides cause chemical changes in the body that can improve or weaken the immune system. Our mental and emotional state directly influences immune cell function and health.

    Oriental Medicine takes this theory one step further. Our emotional states are regarded as being a major internal cause for disease. Within normal limits emotions do not cause weakness or illness. However, when they are so powerful that they continue for a long time and become uncontrollable, they begin to harm our internal organs and open the door to disease. Even in Western Medicine we know that excessive worry can lead to a stomach ulcer. Chinese Medicine links every important organ in our body to a specific emotion. The emotion of fear is related to the kidneys. Prolonged or excessive fear creates an imbalance of qi, or energy. Fear of the future, of becoming ill, of losing a job……any fear that cannot be addressed and becomes chronic causes damage to the function of the kidneys. This may lead to chronic lower back pain, bladder infections and incontinence. When we are afraid, our body contracts to protect itself. The circulation of blood slows down, hands and feet feel cold, as if we are literally “frozen with fear”. Our store of kidney qi becomes depleted, we feel weak and fatigued, leading to adrenal burnout and an inability of our cells to defend themselves effectively against pathogenic diseases.

    There are several ways of dealing with fear through Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture is an effective first line of defense. Research has documented that acupuncture has a positive effect on brain chemistry in that it increases the secretion of endorphins in the brain, thus giving the patient the feeling of relaxation and calmness during and after a treatment. Herbal formulae and even herbal teas can help take away those fearful thoughts. Breathing techniques and meditation can be practiced at home. Here is a link to a simple candle meditation that can be done at any time but is also very effective just before going to bed to bring about a good night’s sleep. As you gaze into the flame of the candle visualize any anxious thoughts fading gently away, like clouds passing through the sky.


    Another way to look at fear can be to see its opposite. Holistic medicine is primarily concerned with keeping mind and body in balance. There are yin and yang aspects to be seen in everything. So if fear is regarded as the negative, what then is the positive? The kidneys provide a home for determination and will power. When our kidneys are strong we have the courage to face the unknown, the inner wisdom of a parent, yet the curiosity and excitement of a child. We have the mental focus and drive to achieve all our goals. The kidneys are our roots from which we get our desire to grow, to thrive and to live life to the full. Our kidneys make us gentle, trusting and kind. They give us peace and serenity – which is what this Season is all about.

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