• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 21 MAR 14
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    Liver Massage

    If you are suffering from the typical liver ailments of spring time - sudden colds, dry throats, hay fever, bursts of anger - the following self massage may help. The liver meridian regulates qi flow throughout the body and maintains the body's blood supply. When there is a stagnation or excess of qi in the…

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    • 14 MAY 13
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    Hay fever

    May can be said to be the worst month for sufferers of hay fever caused by exposure to tree pollens. If you are constantly sneezing and suffering and still haven't found the best remedy, then maybe the following Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic recommendations can help. Acupuncture - TCM says that hay fever is usually caused…

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    • 25 APR 12
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    Sinusitis and Hay Fever

    There are many people who don't look forward to spring because, as well as its beautiful flowers and blossoms, it also brings with it countless pollens in the air, all or some of which cause havoc for those who are allergic to them. Although diet can play an active role in preventing susceptibility to sinusitis…

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