• The Acupuncture Clinic of Tom Ingegno L.Ac 907 Lakewood Ave Baltimore, MD 21224
  • P: (443) 869-6584
    • 20 DEC 13
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    An Overload of Calories

    by PuffinIt's that time of year again. Festive food by the truck full appears in grocery stores for the holiday season. This year, we say, we will eat healthy, we won't give in, we won't be tempted. We convince ourselves we can resist all temptation, limit our input of high, super calorie food and drinks.…

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    • 21 APR 13
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    Coffee – the good, the bad and the ugly

    Columbian coffee farmerMany people consume coffee every day of their lives and wouldn't dream of ever giving it up. They believe the advantages of their drinking it are greater than the disadvantages. Are they right? Let's begin with the good points about coffee drinking. Coffee is known for containing many antioxidants, it helps with daily…

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    • 29 MAY 12
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    Exactly what does the liver do?

    According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is associated with the color green and represents the element of wood, which is prevalent in springtime. It feeds the heart and is nourished by the kidneys. It controls the spleen-pancreas and is held in check by the lungs. In particular, the liver performs the following functions: The…

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